About Us
USA Drug Testing Consortium Inc. is a nationwide organization with strong ties to the commercial transportation industry. We specialize in providing employers and owner-operators with a convenient and cost-effective support to facilitate regulatory compliance with their drug and alcohol testing program and/or their drug free program among other Motor Carrier Services.

We offer consortium/third party administration (C/TPA) services for companies regulated by federal and state governments. We help transportation companies of all sizes to comply with legal requirements. Whether it is managing the testing program of an intrastate owner-operator motor carrier or managing the testing program of a large and diverse interstate DOT/FMCSA-regulated transportation company, USA Drug Testing Consortium Inc. will help you implement quality substance abuse prevention with a testing program that will meet or exceed federal, state and industry standards.
If you are interested in a professional drug and alcohol testing service for your non-regulated employees, you will find USA Drug Testing Consortium Inc. flexible enough to accommodate your specific needs; no client or program is too large or too small. When you choose USA Drug Testing Consortium Inc. you can be assured that our services comply with all state and federal requirements.
USA Drug Testing Consortium Inc. can provide the administration of pre-employment, DOT random, post-accident, reasonable suspicion, return-to-duty, and follow-up testing.
Random selections are made by a qualified management software on a quarterly basis. If an employee is selected for random testing, the Designated Employer Representative (DER) of the location will receive a confidential notification identifying the employee by name and partial social security number, indicating the type of test to be performed (i.e. drug or drug and alcohol), and instructions for testing procedure.
The annual random test selection rate will be a minimum of 50% for drugs and 10% for alcohol
Your annual fee includes specimen collections at any one of our authorized collection sites, testing of the specimen at our certified lab, result review and reporting by a qualified Medical Review Officer (MRO), results reporting by your preferred method to the designated program administrator (usually within 24 hours from the time of collection), semiannual statistical reports supplied by the laboratory, and MIS annual statistical reports.
The annual random test selection rate will be a minimum of 50% for drugs and 10% for alcohol.
The Federal Custody and Control Forms (CCF) required for DOT testing are stored at each authorized collection site.
We provide sample company policies to aid in the development of a standard policy to help your organization inform employees concerning your Drug and Alcohol Abuse/Misuse Prevention Program for both DOT-regulated programs and non-regulated Drug-Free programs.
USA Drug Testing Consortium Inc. can provide the referral services of a qualified substance abuse professional (a DOT requirement) should there be a positive drug test result or an alcohol violation rate greater than .04. This Employee Assistance Program (EAP) service includes evaluation, recommendation for treatment, recommendation for follow-up testing, and, should the employer choose, a monitored follow-up testing program and completion evaluation if the employee will return to safety-sensitive functions as defined by FHWA.
The company can provide training and certification for supervisors and managers on behavioral observation, signs and symptoms and the benefits of drug and alcohol misuse education. Supervisor training is a DOT requirement and must be completed before employee reasonable-suspicion testing can be initiated. The training takes at least 60 minutes to be completed and is supported by the information packet included in the subscription to our program, a certificate is provided upon completion.